

Not a fan of long user manuals?

Our videos will guide you step-by-step in getting to know our Digital Measurement App. You can find the videos on this page, in the Solaflex App, and on our Solaflex-YouTube-channel.

Overview of Measurement Methods

Which measurement method is best for which task
Measuring in table mode

Measuring in coordinate mode
Measuring in freeform mode

Application Videos

Measuring a kitchen backsplash
Measuring a kitchen countertop
Measuring a floor area with joint division
Laser Distance Meter LX40


Advanced features and helpful tips for real-world use.

Move the Crosshair

To make measurement points accessible or to extend the measurement area.

Create a Bill of Materials

Measure a floor area with grout spacing, display the contour in detail, and transfer it to the raw material.

Measuring in Freeform Mode

Measuring in Freeform Mode

Create a freeform sketch using arrow keys

Measuring in Coordinate Mode

Measuring in Coordinate Mode

Create a contour
Move the crosshair

Measuring in Table Mode

Measuring in Table Mode


Getting Started

Turn on and connect the tape measure
Select front or rear stop
Choose a mode

Create Sketch

Create contour
Create a freeform sketch using arrow keys
Use templates

Edit Edge

Insert measurement point
Change edge measurement
Change color
Lock edge
Measure distance
Add note
Move edge
Delete edge

Edit point

Add note to point
Lock point
Measure distance from point to point
Enter radius
Delete point
Move point

Edit cutouts

Insert rectangle
Insert socket
Insert circle
Insert circle
Insert contour
Measure distance from cutout to cutout

More Functions

Insert joint grid
Align cutouts, joint grid, joint, socket parallel to the edge
Generate DXF
Insert joint
Freeze contour
Insert joint - between two points
Bill of materials

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